Heathenry Wiki

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry is based on the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxon tribes from the 5th-7th centuries CE in England. Also know as English Heathenism. This term refers to the original beliefs of said time period, as well as the modern revival/reconstructionist movement.

One of the most prominent figures leading this movement was Robert "Osric" Holman, Uþ-Wita of the Geferræden Fyrnsidu (GFS) organization before withdrawing from online Heathenry around 2012 due to internal strife in the GFS, causing his organization to go defunct. He returned around 2020 to promote a reconsidered brand of Heathenry, a pan-West-Germanic form of Heathenry called Ingwine Heathenship.

Originally, Anglo-Saxon Heathens tended to lean towards Theodism, giving importance to aspects of ancient culture and social structure, as well as making more use of folk medicines and herb charms. Thus, witchcraft is often an important element of study, as well as at least some knowledge of the Old English language. Robert Holman formed Fyrnsidu around 2001 to be an alternative to Theodism, rejecting the ritual slavery and medieval social hierarchy embraced by Theodism while trying to stay true to the religious aspects of the ancient Anglo-Saxon religion of the pre-Christian Anglo-Saxons.


Fyrnsidu (Old English meaning "The Old Ways" or "Old Custom", cf. Old Norse Forn Siðr) is a subsect of Anglo-Saxon Heathenry. It is related to, but often considered separate from Theodism. The movement was formally organized in 2001 under the aegis of The Fellowship of Anglo-Saxon Heathenry, a non-profit organization that served as a church for practitioners of this faith. This organization went defunct in 2012 due to internal strife between the organization's leadership. The link to the website now redirects to a new website promoting the spiritual successor to Fyrnsidu, which is curated by that sect's original founders.

In 2021, a new website about Fyrnsidu was created by a team of editors led by the author of the Fyrnsidu blog Wind in the Worldtree called Fyrnsidu.faith. The website focuses on beginner's information, but also links to websites and blogs of several modern practitioners of Fyrnsidu. This community has begun doing annual in person blots in Knoxville, TN.


About Anglo-Saxon Heathenry[]

About Fyrnsidu[]